About Me

There's supposed to be a picture with me and a dog here. The dog is pretty cute, so if you feel you're missing out and would like to see other animal pictures, please consult https://www.reddit.com/r/aww
Unfortunately, this dog is not mine, nor is it named Charley, but we did happen to share interest in the bird overhead.

I’m Charlie, a 20 year old student of science, music, literature, business, history, brevity, and concision. You’ll notice I’m far better at some of these things than others. I’m from San Jose, California, and I currently study computer science at the University of Southern California. I’ve spent the greater part of my life trying to learn from the ineffably complex world around me, and this drive has presently brought me to the continent of South America, where I’m spending the summer as a “digital nomad” (the expression aggravates me, but it’s to-the-point, and who knows, it might even help SEO). By morning/day, I work remotely as an applications developer for Anomali, a Redwood City cybersecurity company; by afternoon/evening, I’m a traveler who’s exploring the countries of Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador. I hope you find value in hearing some of the stories that have helped me glean what life is like on the other half of our blue marble.